VPN Login

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Two-factor authentication must be setup before you can login to the VPN with NetExtender. Click here for instructions.

NetExtender must be installed on your device to connect to the VPN. Click here for instructions.

  1. Open SonicWall NetExtender by clicking on the desktop icon or locating the application in the start menu.
NetExtender Icon
  1. Enter vpn.nscc.edu in the “Server” field
  2. Enter your username and password
    Note: The username is your legacy computer login (typically lastname_firstInitial i.e. doe_j). You can find your legacy computer login on your myNSCC dashboard under “Employee Computer Login”.
  3. Enter administration in the “Domain” field
  4. Click “Connect”
NetExtender Login
  1. Open your authenticator app to retrieve the six digit OTP code
    Need to setup 2FA? Click here for 2FA setup instructions
  2. Enter your OTP code into the “Password” field
  3. Click Ok
NetExtender 2FA Prompt
  1. The status tab will be displayed upon a successful connection
  2. NetExtender will run in the background while you are using the VPN
  3. Navigate back to the NetExtender window and click “Disconnect” when you are finished using the VPN

  4. Always remember to disconnect your VPN connection when not in use. Disconnecting reduces bandwidth usage and frees up the connection license for another user.
NetExtender Connected