NSCC Guest WiFi Instructions

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NSCC Guest WiFi Instructions

1. On your phone search for WiFi networks and look for NSCC-GUEST.

2. Tap/Clock on the NSCC-GUEST network and you will be taking to the sign-in page.

Note: If you are not directly taken to a sign in page look for a notification/pop-up
3. Once you are on the sign-in portall, new users will need to create an account. Tap/Click the “Click Here” link (See arrow)
4. Provide your full name and an email address for logging in

Note: The email address will serve as your username.

5. Select the box to agree to the terms of use. Then Tap/Click “Register”
6. The next page will display your username and your password.

Note: You will also be emailed a receipt of these credentials.

7. Tap/Click the “Log In” button and you should be connected to the WiFi automatically.